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Monday, December 21, 2009
Movie Night- The Princess and the Frog
Going out to a movie is one of my favorite activities. And while I also love renting a movie and watching it from the couch, there is something about seeing a movie on the big screen that I just love. With movies being so expensive these days, I am usually pretty choosy about the ones I see in at the movie theater. Sometimes you just have to see a movie in a theater to really appreciate it, like if it is a 3D movie. Quick side-note on that- I highly recommend seeing Avatar, but more on that in a different post. But a movie doesn't have to be fancy or high tech to warrant a theater screening. I recently saw Disney's The Princess and the Frog and absolutely LOVED it. Don't get me wrong, Pixar is brilliant, and 3D movies are awesome, but there was something really refreshing, and charming, about seeing a movie in old fashioned 2D. And the story is captivating enough without special effects. I have been wanting to see this movie for a long time (remember my Fairy Tales post) and it definitely delivered. It had everything I loved about Disney movies growing up, with plenty of witty dialogue to keep the "grown up" side of me entertained. Plus it was fun seeing how the film drew on past Disney films for inspiration. I had lots of "Oh that reminds me of Sleeping Beauty/Little Mermaid/Jungle Book"moments. But don't worry, The Princess and the Frog is a wonderful film in its own right. One thing that really seperated it from past Disney Princess movies was the way the "Prince" was portrayed. He was given much more character and depth than past Prince Charmings. He was funny, flawed, and fantastic to watch. He also changed dramatically for the better, which no other Prince, with the exception of the Beast, has done. Princess Tianna also represents a shift in the Disney Princess. While there have been spunky Princesses in the past, Tianna is the most goal oriented and career driven, one of the few whose dreams don't center on catching a man. She leaves that to her friend Charlotte, the spoiled daughter of a cotton king who is willing to do anything to become a real life Princess. Disney is definitely poking fun at past Princesses with Charlotte, and it is a lot of fun to watch.
As great as the main characters are, like in many Disney films it is the supporting cast that steals the spotlight and makes the film shine. And the villainous Shadowman, a mix between Jafar and Ursula the sea witch, is wickedly entertaining. to The New Orelans setting and jazz music soundtrack also add magic to the film.
I don't care how old or cynical you are. The Princess and the Frog is a must see film. If you are a long time Disney fan, you won't be disappointed. If you have you doubts, you will be pleasantly surprised.
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